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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Junior Dept Report 2009

By Benjamin Yeo

Thank God for another year of service!

In 2009, the Junior Department continued studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The department comprised of 7 teachers and 7 students. In pairs, teachers were rotated to teach each lesson. The Sunday school teachers continued to plan each lesson using, “Teaching Minds, Training Hearts” by Starr Meade, as a guide. As most of the class consisted of students from Christian homes, we decided to focus on the application of God’s Word in their lives. The teachers agreed that most of the children have head knowledge but were lacking in the application of that knowledge in their lives. Therefore more time was given to the study and application of each question.

The prayer requests of the children were complied weekly and distributed to help the children pray for one another. An outing to East Coast Park was organized during the school holidays to help the teachers and children get to know one another better. The parents of the children were also invited.

As we continue to teach the children God’s Word, we pray that they will continue to remember the lessons they have learnt and apply them in their lives. May God also help the teachers to faithfully prepare and teach their lessons, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Amen.

Some of our Junior Dept's teachers

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