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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pre-school Dept Report 2009

Thank the Lord for the year 2009 and how He had faithfully and wonderfully seen us through as we serve the Him in this department. He had faithfully provided teachers, assistant teachers, song leaders as well as musicians to serve Him in this area and they try their best to cater the program according to the children’s needs and level. Though it can be challenging at times but nonetheless, the Lord has been good to see us through. Through serving, it is seen that much joy and fulfillment as well as precious lessons has been gained.

Our objectives for the year 2009 were to enable the children to know Christ personally in their lives as well as to show them the importance of the Word of God. As such, we have continued with our Verse Memorization program on each Lord’s Day. It is with much joy to see the children learning the verses conscientiously and reciting it each week. Much thanks is given to the parents who have been greatly involved in this program as well. It is also with much prayer and hope that all these which have been learnt would not just be head-knowledge in the children, but that it may be lived out in their lives, for it is encouraged that these children may not just be hearers, but doers of His Word. We pray that the children would continue to desire the learning of God’s Word and that they would grow to be more like Him!

Proverbs 22:6
‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’

Some of our Pre-school dept's teachers & helpers

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