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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Junior Sunday School Report 2009

Colossians 2:6 -7, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”

The objectives of our Junior Sunday school are to lead the children:
1. to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Receive)
2. to obey God and be a good testimony (Walk)
3. to a vibrant spiritual life (Rooted & Built up)
4. to a clear understanding of the basic Christian doctrines and teachings in the Word of God (Stablished and abounding)

Thank God for His many blessings and His continual leading of the Junior Sunday School through 2009. Thank God especially for each of the department superintendents and assistant superintendents who co-laboured with me namely Eric (Young Teens), Alice & Ben (Junior), Eileen & I (Primary), Tammy & Mary (Pre-school).

Just like the year before, we continued to have ‘Open Sunday’ on every 5th Sunday of the month and combined department programs on Easter and Christmas.

Thank God for the opportunities for the Junior Sunday School children show their appreciation to their parents. We had children from the Pre-school & Primary Depts presenting a song to all the mothers on Mother’s day (10 May) while those from the Junior & Young Teens Depts recited a poem for all the fathers on Father’s day (21 Jun).

On 30 Aug, it was the church’s turn to show appreciation to the teachers & helpers serving in our Church’s teaching ministry. It was a blessed day where teachers and helpers gathered for a time of sharing and prayer which was followed by a warm fellowship over a Hi-Tea buffet.

In order to introduce parents/church members to the Junior Sunday school and to involve parents/church members as supporters the Junior Sunday school, we organized a ‘Junior Sunday School day’ on 21 June for the very first time. Thank God that on the same day, the Children Ministry’s blog ( was also launched. Through this new platform, we hope that we can better engage the children and support the teachers and the parents as they teach the children. With the same underlying desire of supporting the parents and teachers, we organized a forum on the theme of “Shepherding a Child’s heart” for them during the June family Bible camp. Thank God for many valuable lessons learnt through the message and the Q & A session.

One of the last major events of the year was our Church’s bi-annual Missions month in October. As the adults have their program, we also lined up a series of missions related programs for the children every Sunday in October. Thank God for the opportunities to exposure the children to Missions and Evangelism. May they learn to be missions minded from even from such a tender young age.

Thank God for all that He has enabled us to accomplished but there are still a lot more that could have been done. Please pray that God will give us more fervor and zeal to serve Him in 2010.

Most of our Junior Sunday School teachers & helpers

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