Theme Preview Rss

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Truth Children's Fellowship 2023


The objectives of the TCF are:

1) to evangelize boys and girls with the pure gospel of Jesus Christ and

2) to establish them in the Word of God for Christian living.

Thank God for His faithfulness to TCF since we started in 2007. In 2023, TCF celebrated its 16th Anniversary on 25 February 2023. The theme was “We are Ambassadors for Christ.” Rev Dennis gave the exhortation from 2 Corinthians 5:20: “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ,

as though God did beseech you by us:  we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.” In commemoration of TCF 16th Anniversary, the TCF children presented a song item “The King’s Business” and a photo slide show about how God blessed TCF in 2022 was shown.

Since Singapore will lower its DORSCON level from Yellow to Green from 13 February 2023, all our meetings are back to normal. Our weekly program includes singspiration, message, counsel time and refreshment. Each week we have about 18 children and 6 teachers. The only reminders that we been through a terrible pandemic was the few children who still donned masks during the meetings. We continued to have quarterly quizzes and gift exchanges although there were no plans to bring back regular games and library time yet.

Thank God for the faithful service of all the speakers, teachers and helpers. The children heard 31 messages under the following four themes in 2023 -  "The Seven Cs of History" (Term 1), "The Christian Soldier" (Term 2), "Parables of Jesus" (Term 3) and "Lessons from Proverbs" (Term 4).


Other major events in TCF calendar 2023 included:

  • 27 May: Outing to Pandan Reservoir
  • 5 August: Missions Special program
  • 30 September: Children’s Day Special program
  • 25 November: Combined TCF and VBS outing to Faber Green & Faber Hill Playground

Please pray about inviting children of your love ones and friends to TCF. TCF welcomes all children, from ages 4 to 12, to hear the gospel and to learn God’s Word. Invitations can be found on the display table every Sunday. May God help us to be ambassadors for Christ.

  Message time for the Older children

Message time for the younger children

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