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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Junior Sunday School Report 2023


Colossians 2:6-7, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”


Our objectives (based on Col 2:6-7) is to lead the children:

1.               to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Receive) 

2.               to obey God and be a good testimony (Walk)

3.               to a vibrant spiritual life (Rooted & Built up)

4.               to a clear understanding of the basic Christian doctrines and teachings in the Word of God (Stablished and abounding)


Looking back on 2023, we are filled with thanksgiving unto God. It was only by God’s grace and mercy that we could continue to minister to the children, the parents and the teachers in Truth B-P Church. Praise God for how He enabled the Junior Sunday School (JSS) committee to serve Him in 2023.  This committee consisted of Bro Eric (Young Teens superintendent), Sis Alice (Junior superintendent), Sis Jyh Cheau (Pre-school superintendent), and myself (Geneal & Primary superintendent). Thank God also for Rev Dennis and Pr David who has been sitting in to advise and support this important ministry to the children.

Our church and JSS theme for 2023 remained the same as last year’s, namely “Saved by Faith, Live by Faith” (Galatians 3:11). To help the children better understand the Doctrine of Salvation, the children had three Open Sunday messages by  Rev Dennis Kwok on  “Christ made us free” (March 12), “Free not to sin but be crucified in the flesh” (May 14) and “Free to serve one another by love” (November 5).

The first major JSS event of 2023 was the YT cum Jr retreat (15 to 16 March) during the March school holidays. What was so significant about this retreat was that it was the first stay in 2-day-1-night retreat since Covid-19. The theme was “Ask for the old paths…and walk therein” taken from Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Pr David was the speaker of the four main messages. Thank God that we could have this retreat to exhort the youths to walk the old paths and for their good feedback at the end of the retreat. May the Lord continue to move the youths in our church to attend this year’s retreat and also to provide sufficient teachers/helpers to help out.

Another major JSS event was the Teachers’ retreat cum training on 29 June. During the first training session, Pr David spoke on “The Qualifications of a Teacher.” A second training was held on 13 November. Pr David touched on “The Theology of Teaching.” These two teachers’ training sessions were a part of a training program which will be taught over the next few years. In summary, the training program can be broken down into three main parts, namely “the teacher”, “the teaching” and “the taught.” God willing, our teachers will be better equipped to teach God’s Word to the children by the twice-a-year training session.    

Other major events in the JSS calendar in 2023 included Combined Department Easter program (9 April), Combined Department Reformation program (29 October), Vacation Bible School (20 to 22 November), Combined Department Christmas program (24 December) and Promotion Sunday (31 December). Thank God for seeing the JSS through 2023. May God continue to bless this ministry and help the children to know Him and to make Him known. 

Group photo of the YT cum Jr Retreat

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