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Friday, October 11, 2013

Vacation Bible School 2012

Main committee: Ng Boon Choo (co-ordinator), Charles Sang (games i/c), Chan May Ling (food i/c), Kwok Yee Min (craft i/c), Joel Chang (transport i/c)

The theme of our VBS 2012 was “Jesus Saves.” Our objectives were as follows:
1.    Reach out to non-Christian children in the neighbourhood and of our loved ones and friends.
2.    Build up our children’s faith and encourage them to evangelize.
3.    Lay a good groundwork for future VBS.
4.    Develop potential helpers/teachers.

VBS 2012 continued to be a daily three-hour programme starting from 9 am to 12 noon over a three-day period. However, unlike past VBSs, we did not start on a Tuesday but on a Monday (19 Nov) and ended on a Wednesday (21 Nov). This change was made so that our VBS will not clash with the release of the PSLE results.

Thank God 87 children signed up. A quarter of them were first-timers. Thank God for the opportunity to minister to these children. Three speakers, Eileen (Pre-school), Xiao Wei (Primary) and Karen Lee (Junior), spoke to the children over the three days. Compared to the past, this VBS had the lowest enrolment. But getting sufficient teachers and helpers was still a big challenge as many church members were away or busy with work during the same period. Thank God that He still provided more than 30 teachers and helpers.

The gospel was given not only during the main messages and the gospel session, but was also reinforced during singspiration, games, craft, verse memorization and even in the song which the TCF children presented on the last day of the VBS. Although the VBS had ended, the follow-up work continues. During the VBS, we extended the invitation to the VBS children to join the TCF outing on 24 November. Thank God for a handful of VBS children who attended. However, much follow-up work needs to be done. Please continue to pray for the salvation of the VBS children and the follow-up work.

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