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Friday, October 11, 2013

Junior Choir 2012

Our main objectives:
1) To train the children to serve God with their voices.
2) Be a blessing to the congregation through our monthly presentations.

It has been a joy to serve in the Junior Choir, along with Mrs Jean Chang and Wong Kai Leong. The Junior Choir members ranged from 5 to 12 years of age.

Our first presentation in 2012 was at a wedding on 2 January. Everyone in the Junior Choir was very excited to be part of this presentation as it was for the wedding of Kai Leong and Kate. Together with the Church Choir, we presented the song “Lord, Bless Our Home.”

The children were equally excited at our Annual Graduation, Promotion and Pledge-Taking on 8 January. After we bid farewell to Hazel Chew and Tan Sue-Ann, the remaining choir members retook their pledge to continue to serve God faithfully in the Junior Choir. To encourage those who have been very faithfully coming for their choir practice, they were given attendance awards. A number of them also took their choir rank test and got promoted to the next rank. This system of ranks, implemented by Kai Leong, has encouraged discipline, responsibility and team work amongst the Junior Choir members. Higher ranking choir members were encouraged to be good role models to the others.

By the grace of God, the children presented song items for Easter (April), Mothers’ Day (May), Fathers’ Day (June), Junior Choir Anniversary (August), Missions Fortnight (October) and Christmas (December). We were also thankful to God for sending us three new members in August: Titus, En-Qi and Yih Chern. Though they were only 5 years old, they were as committed about serving in the Junior Choir as the older children. 

Our last event of the year was a year-end gathering cum BBQ in church on 29 December. We gathered to give thanks to God for His goodness to the Junior Choir in 2012. The other reason for this gathering was to say farewell to the five Primary Six choir members who would be graduating in 2013. Three of them were part of our first batch of Junior Choir members in 2006. Thank God for keeping them faithful all these years. May God continue to keep the rest of us faithful in our service too. 

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