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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sunday School Report 2008

The year 2008 has been a fruitful year for the Junior Sunday School. The superintendent of each department reminded the same as 2007 which include Eric (Young Teens Dept), Dns Alice (Junior Dept), Mary (Pre-school Dept) and me (Primary Dept). Thank God for the addition of two assistant superintendents into our team namely Tammy (Pre-school Dept) and Ben (Junior Dept).

There are many significant milestones this year. One of the most significant one was the laying down of our Junior Sunday School Objectives.

The objectives of our Junior Sunday School are to lead the children:
1. to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Receive)
2. to obey God and be a good testimony (Walk)
3. to a vibrant spiritual life (Rooted & Built up)
4. to a clear understanding of the basic Christian doctrines and teachings in the Word of God (Stablished and abounding)

These objectives are based on Colossians 2:6 -7, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”

With the aim to encourage children to be more involved in worship, each department presented a song item on different special occasions like Mother’s day, Father’s day and Reformation Sunday. But for teachers’ day, we especially had the Junior Sunday School teachers themselves to present the song “A Servant’s Heart” which is like our pledge to God.

Teachers are the ones who directly ministers to the children. In order to encourage and to better equip them for the teaching ministry, we started a bi-monthly teachers’ newsletter called “The Teachers of Truth.” It is being emailed to all who are involved in the Junior Sunday school at the start of every even month.

There was no teachers’ retreat this year but we had 2 Teachers and Helpers’ meeting which was held on 30 March and 31 Aug respectively. Thank God for the good attendance although it is the first time we had such meeting. During the first meeting we took the opportunities to communicate our Junior Sunday School objectives to all our teachers. Some time as lay aside for teachers to share their testimonies to encourage others. At the end of the one hour session, we closed by praying for the Junior Sunday School within our different depts. More time was given to sharings and prayers during the second meeting. Since this meeting coincided with our teachers’ day celebration, the whole event ended with warm fellowship around a teachers’ day buffet.

To further support the teachers and also the parents of our Sunday School children, we organize special programs for them during the June family camp. The topic for the teachers’ training session was “How to make your Bible lessons come alive?” Rev Koshy was our speaker. He also spoke on “Parenting in the Pews: Guiding your Children into the Joy of Worship” during a parenting seminar in the same camp. Thank God for many precious truths learnt during these two sessions. May we all strive to be better teachers and better parents for the Lord.

Our last big event of the year was the 2nd Vacation Bible School. During those three days, from 18th to 20nd Nov, the children learnt about the “Handiwork of God”. Thank God for providing speakers even Mrs Quek and Mrs Ann Lim, over 40 helpers and also about 130 children. The three hour program in includes a message, a time for games, art and craft activities and also a snack time. Thank God for the many opportunities to share the gospel during the three days and quite a few children was saved as a result.

Thank God for all His blessings in 2008. Please pray for more growth in the Junior Sunday school ministry. May all the children, parents and even the teachers be blessed through its ministry.

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