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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Young Teens Dept Report 2008

Thank God for His guidance through the year 2008. The YT department has an average of 4 pupils and 4 teachers.

Our aim is to help the students to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ based on the Junior Sunday School theme taken from Col 2:6-7: "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."

We have a 2 years program which consists of 12 series (with 7-8 lessons in each series). The teacher helps the students to apply the lessons by getting the students to memorize scripture, understand the lessons and the teachers will try their best to make the lesson practical and useful. It is the desire of the YT teachers that our pupils trust and obey the Lord with all their heart.

I am happy the students did well in their year end quiz and each get a "KJV Study Bible" so that they can equip themselves with the Word of God.

Junior Dept Report 2008

Praise the Lord for blessing the Junior Department in 2008!

The Junior Department has a team of 5 teachers and 7 regular pupils. In June, we have embarked on the study of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (WSC), after having lessons based on the Junior RPG for the past 2 ½ years. We hope to be more systematic and develop a 3-curriculum based on the WSC. Each week, a teacher will bring pupils through a question in the Shorter Catechism. The series has been edifying to both teachers and pupils. Though many questions are not so simple, it is indeed beneficial to learn doctrines and its applications in a systematic manner.

The pupils are usually spontaneous and open about the lessons learnt each week. The department also started a weekly prayer list for the pupils to share their praise and prayer items. Through this, the teachers and pupils got to know each other better.

We continue to pray that God will use the teachers and grant us wisdom as we do our best to impart God’s word to the pupils so that they may ‘grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen (2 Peter 3:18)

Primary Dept Report 2008

Thank God for seeing us through 2008.

Our Primary department’s objectives which were set last year remains. They are namely:
1. To foster a spirit of worshipping God in the children
2. To help the children to live out their Christian life
3. To foster a more personal and closer relationship with the children and their family

We have continued to have a regular attendance of 7 children and 8 teachers which was the same as last year. As there were not many children, we focus more on how to better minister to the children and their family more personally. One means was through almost quarterly letters which was sent to the parents to update them about the latest news of the department and the Junior Sunday school. Visitation is another channel which we hope to be more actively doing in 2009.

To better achieve our objectives, we built on what we did the previous year to improve it. Our singspiration improved since two young pianists (Grace Chang and Joanne Loo) joined to provide us will some piano accompaniment. We also continued on with the verse memorization and daily bible reading program. To make it more interesting, rewards in the form of stickers was included. At the end of each series, the child who is most faithful in their memory verses and their bible reading would be further reward with a small gift. At the end of each lesson, the teachers set aside a short prayer time to pray with the children and pray for the children so as to encourage them to pray and model for them how to pray.

Lastly, thank God for the opportunity for our department’s children to present a song item for Fathers’ day in June. All glory to God.

Pre-School Dept Report 2008

All praise and thanks to God for another fruitful year for the pre-school department in 2008. We thank God also for all cheerful teachers, assistant teachers, song leaders and musicians who faithfully served the Lord week after week.

The objective for 2008 is to encourage the children to memorized God’s word at a young age. Therefore, we introduced the verse memorization project for the department to encourage children to memorize God’s word. Children were given sketch book and Bible verses for each week. This project required the co-operation from parent s to teach their children to memorize the Bible verses on a weekly basis. It was such a joy to see how enthusiastic the children reacted towards this project. All glory to God!

Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Truth Children's Fellowship 2008

Thank God for the smooth transition from the pro tem committee to a permanent committee in 2008. This year’s committee includes Dn Winston, Soh Han, Mary, Tina, Emerson, Eric, Eileen, Audrey and me.

The TCF meets every Saturday in Room 03-05 but with the exception of public and school holidays. The purpose for this fellowship is to evangelize boys and girls with the pure gospel of Jesus Christ and to establish them in the Word of God for Christian living. It is not meant to be another Sunday School although the children also sing, listen to message and do worksheets. TCF has covered 4 different series of messages in 2008 namely “Gains and Losses in Following Jesus”, “The Saviour begins His Works”, “Books of the Bible” and “Christian Armor.”

Other important parts of the weekly program include games and the newly added Library time. Library time as the name suggest gives the children a time slot to borrow Christian books and even Christian DVD home once a month. These books were kindly made available to our children by the Calvary Pandan Mission to Children (CMC). We hope that through this, the children will be encouraged to love reading Christian books and that it will also to be a means to build up the children’s faith through.

Every quarterly the children also have a time of gift exchange. Each child would have earned and accumulated a good number of coupons during the course of the term. This is a time when they can exchange their hard-earned coupons for the gifts which they fancy from our little gift exchange “shop”. On top of this, at the end of the year, we have an award presentation to reward children who has done well during the year.

Thanks for the opportunity to praise God for His goodness to TCF at our first anniversary on 2nd February. It was a simple celebration with a message by our Pastor, Rev Dennis Kwok. God through our theme verse Deut 6:5 command us to love Him with all our heart, soul and might. Thank God too that on the 3rd February, at the Sunday Worship Service, the TCF children were able to present both the TCF theme Song and also ‘Jesus loves the little children’ before the congregation to share with them our joy at the TCF first anniversary.

During term 2, the whole of TCF went for an outing. 17th May’s outing at Jurong Hill was very memorable. The children learnt about how they should give offering to God through a skit which some teachers acted in and a treasure hunt game they played. Besides the organized games, the children also enjoyed delicious refreshments and subsequently a time of free play.

An invitational flyer was printed this year to make it easier for anyone to invite the children of their love ones and friends to TCF. There were some children whom our members and friends invited, plus those who came following the VBS on 2007 but overall there is not much increase in number of children in TCF. Let us pray for this ministry that it will not stagnate but grow from strength to strength in the years to come, that the teachers will continue to be dedicated and faithful and the children continue to coming and that they may heard the gospel, believe and grow spiritually.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Monthly Recommended Sermon (Apr 2009)

Text: Luke 8:11-18 (16kbps, 37 min)
The focus of the sermon is on teaching Children to listen and especially to listen in church. Click here to download the transcript in Pdf.

(P.s. The first 25 sec of this sermon is silent. You might want to pause the background music as you listen the sermon. The player is located at the end of the page. )

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Teachers of Truth (Feb 08 to Apr 09)

Past issues available for download:

Download current issue (2009 Apr)

Junior Choir 2008

Thank God for the 15 children, ranging from 4 years old to 12 years old, who attended the Junior Choir in 2008. Thank God also for faithful co-labourers, Jean and Kai Leong who served tirelessly week after week.

The main objectives of the Junior Choir are to

1) train the children to serve God with their voices and

2) be a blessing to the congregation through our monthly presentations.

Thank God the positive responses from the children to the many measures which Kai Leong helped to implement in 2008. The children are more committed and faithful in their attendance and majority even shown to be more serious during practices. These measures include like a yearly pledge taking ceremony, a system of ranks and promotion rather similar to the army. On top of this, the children get a badge as a reward whenever they sing at a presentation and a tab when they celebrate their birthday. Those older children who are of a higher rank would be rostered to take the attendance which they are more then happy to do. This made them more responsible and also instilled a sense of belonging.

We sang almost every once a month during Sunday Worship Service.

Two of our presentation was on special occasions of Children’s day (28th Sep) and Christmas (21 Dec). To make our Christmas presentation more special, we introduce the use of the handbells for the first time. The children truly enjoyed the process of learning to play “Joy to the World” with the handbells although much coordination and practice were needed.

Thank God that these “extras” helped Junior Choir to be a more interesting and exciting place for the children. May the children not only find it enjoyable to come to Junior Choir but that at the end of it, they will grow to appreciate spiritual songs and godly music and learn to worship God through their singing. May the Lord help us.

Sunday School Report 2008

The year 2008 has been a fruitful year for the Junior Sunday School. The superintendent of each department reminded the same as 2007 which include Eric (Young Teens Dept), Dns Alice (Junior Dept), Mary (Pre-school Dept) and me (Primary Dept). Thank God for the addition of two assistant superintendents into our team namely Tammy (Pre-school Dept) and Ben (Junior Dept).

There are many significant milestones this year. One of the most significant one was the laying down of our Junior Sunday School Objectives.

The objectives of our Junior Sunday School are to lead the children:
1. to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Receive)
2. to obey God and be a good testimony (Walk)
3. to a vibrant spiritual life (Rooted & Built up)
4. to a clear understanding of the basic Christian doctrines and teachings in the Word of God (Stablished and abounding)

These objectives are based on Colossians 2:6 -7, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”

With the aim to encourage children to be more involved in worship, each department presented a song item on different special occasions like Mother’s day, Father’s day and Reformation Sunday. But for teachers’ day, we especially had the Junior Sunday School teachers themselves to present the song “A Servant’s Heart” which is like our pledge to God.

Teachers are the ones who directly ministers to the children. In order to encourage and to better equip them for the teaching ministry, we started a bi-monthly teachers’ newsletter called “The Teachers of Truth.” It is being emailed to all who are involved in the Junior Sunday school at the start of every even month.

There was no teachers’ retreat this year but we had 2 Teachers and Helpers’ meeting which was held on 30 March and 31 Aug respectively. Thank God for the good attendance although it is the first time we had such meeting. During the first meeting we took the opportunities to communicate our Junior Sunday School objectives to all our teachers. Some time as lay aside for teachers to share their testimonies to encourage others. At the end of the one hour session, we closed by praying for the Junior Sunday School within our different depts. More time was given to sharings and prayers during the second meeting. Since this meeting coincided with our teachers’ day celebration, the whole event ended with warm fellowship around a teachers’ day buffet.

To further support the teachers and also the parents of our Sunday School children, we organize special programs for them during the June family camp. The topic for the teachers’ training session was “How to make your Bible lessons come alive?” Rev Koshy was our speaker. He also spoke on “Parenting in the Pews: Guiding your Children into the Joy of Worship” during a parenting seminar in the same camp. Thank God for many precious truths learnt during these two sessions. May we all strive to be better teachers and better parents for the Lord.

Our last big event of the year was the 2nd Vacation Bible School. During those three days, from 18th to 20nd Nov, the children learnt about the “Handiwork of God”. Thank God for providing speakers even Mrs Quek and Mrs Ann Lim, over 40 helpers and also about 130 children. The three hour program in includes a message, a time for games, art and craft activities and also a snack time. Thank God for the many opportunities to share the gospel during the three days and quite a few children was saved as a result.

Thank God for all His blessings in 2008. Please pray for more growth in the Junior Sunday school ministry. May all the children, parents and even the teachers be blessed through its ministry.