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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Truth Children's Fellowship 2008

Thank God for the smooth transition from the pro tem committee to a permanent committee in 2008. This year’s committee includes Dn Winston, Soh Han, Mary, Tina, Emerson, Eric, Eileen, Audrey and me.

The TCF meets every Saturday in Room 03-05 but with the exception of public and school holidays. The purpose for this fellowship is to evangelize boys and girls with the pure gospel of Jesus Christ and to establish them in the Word of God for Christian living. It is not meant to be another Sunday School although the children also sing, listen to message and do worksheets. TCF has covered 4 different series of messages in 2008 namely “Gains and Losses in Following Jesus”, “The Saviour begins His Works”, “Books of the Bible” and “Christian Armor.”

Other important parts of the weekly program include games and the newly added Library time. Library time as the name suggest gives the children a time slot to borrow Christian books and even Christian DVD home once a month. These books were kindly made available to our children by the Calvary Pandan Mission to Children (CMC). We hope that through this, the children will be encouraged to love reading Christian books and that it will also to be a means to build up the children’s faith through.

Every quarterly the children also have a time of gift exchange. Each child would have earned and accumulated a good number of coupons during the course of the term. This is a time when they can exchange their hard-earned coupons for the gifts which they fancy from our little gift exchange “shop”. On top of this, at the end of the year, we have an award presentation to reward children who has done well during the year.

Thanks for the opportunity to praise God for His goodness to TCF at our first anniversary on 2nd February. It was a simple celebration with a message by our Pastor, Rev Dennis Kwok. God through our theme verse Deut 6:5 command us to love Him with all our heart, soul and might. Thank God too that on the 3rd February, at the Sunday Worship Service, the TCF children were able to present both the TCF theme Song and also ‘Jesus loves the little children’ before the congregation to share with them our joy at the TCF first anniversary.

During term 2, the whole of TCF went for an outing. 17th May’s outing at Jurong Hill was very memorable. The children learnt about how they should give offering to God through a skit which some teachers acted in and a treasure hunt game they played. Besides the organized games, the children also enjoyed delicious refreshments and subsequently a time of free play.

An invitational flyer was printed this year to make it easier for anyone to invite the children of their love ones and friends to TCF. There were some children whom our members and friends invited, plus those who came following the VBS on 2007 but overall there is not much increase in number of children in TCF. Let us pray for this ministry that it will not stagnate but grow from strength to strength in the years to come, that the teachers will continue to be dedicated and faithful and the children continue to coming and that they may heard the gospel, believe and grow spiritually.

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