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Friday, July 7, 2017

Truth Children's Fellowship 2016

Committee: Eld Winston (advisor), Boon Choo and Tina Wong

Objectives of the Truth Children’s Fellowship (TCF):

1. To evangelize boys and girls with the pure gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. To establish them in the Word of God for Christian living.

The TCF is a fellowship group for children from age four to twelve. The year 2016 saw a regular average attendance of nineteen children and nine teachers. 75% of the children who attend regularly are children of our church members, with the other 25% from non-Christian families or from other churches. These children usually need transport to and from TCF. Thank God for a few church members who have been faithfully providing transport.

Since 2015, we have been having two concurrent messages (one for the older children and one for the younger). This continued through 2016. The messages were “The Seven C’s of History" (Term 1), "The Ten Commandments" (Term 2), "New Testament Survey" (Term 3) and "Jesus' Teachings and Miracles from the Gospel of Matthew" (Term 4). Besides weekly messages, we also had fortnightly games sessions alternating with library time, and quarterly quiz and gift exchange. Thank God for every opportunity to minister to the children. Please continue to pray for our ministry.

Preparation for TCF 9th Anniversary celebration started many weeks in advance. We roped in the TCF children to make the door gifts. The anniversary program on 27th February 2016 included a message by Pastor Dennis on the theme "All Things Work Together for Good," a song presentation of “Romans 8:28” by the children and a slide show. As we watched the slide show, we realised we had so much to thank and praise God for. God has made all things work together for good and seen TCF through the past years. As a testimony of God’s goodness, the TCF children also presented the “Romans 8:28” song during worship service the following day.

2016 was another busy year for TCF, with special activities such as Outing to the Children Little Museum (28th May), Missions Special Program (13th Aug), Children’s Day Special Program (8th Oct) and a combined TCF/VBS outing (below) to Bukit Batok Nature Park (26th Nov).

If you have non-Christian relatives, neighbours and friends who have children from age four to twelve, do invite them to TCF. We meet every Saturday (except on School holidays and public holidays), from 3.30 to 5 pm. Invitations can be found on the display table every Lord’s Day and on the TCF noticeboard.