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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Extra helps and ideas on sermon note taking for kids

Many parents face the same struggle. Some shared their experiences and self-made resources online. If your children are still not able to follow the Sunday sermon or find taking sermon notes independently hard, below are some links that may give you some ideas to start off. Please use them with discretion.

Warning: Without proper preparation at the beginning and with little encouragement/interest from the parents along the way, the child is unlikely to sustain interest in the long run. So do talk to your children and pray with them to prepare them spiritually before you get them started to write sermon notes. Help them to understand the purpose behind taking sermon notes and help them see the value of it by you yourself placing value on it  (e.g. spending the time to run through the sermon notes with her child during the week.) 

For those with a few older children, you can come up with some related questions and train your children to have a simple discussion among themselves (under your supervision). All these need a lot of effort on the part of the parents but the spiritual rewards that your children could reap make it all worth while. God bless.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Photos of Vacation Bible School 2013

Thank God for the VBS 2013. We had a fulfilling 3 days of Bible messages and fun activities.
Let's look at some photos to reminisce what has past.

God willing, our next VBS will be on 17 to 19 Nov 2014.
Are you looking forward to it? I am. So I started this countdown clock :) Hope to see you there.

Answers to Sermon notes (8 December 2013)

Answers to Sermon notes (8 December 2013)