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Friday, September 25, 2009

Resource Library

Reports etc

AGR 2012

Stuff to view

Click on the pictures below to view the video clips or photos.

TCF 3rd Anniversary


VBS 2009

TCF Outing in Nov 2009

Church camp children's program June 2009

TCF Outing March 2009!

Stuff to hear

Click the pictures to select what you want to hear.

Have you hear of the "Bible Witness Web Radio?"
It is the ministry of Gethsemane B-P Church.
Do tune into their Children's Programmes.
It is on air daily at 9 am,
with a repeat broadcast at 4 pm and 6 pm. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My first video upload to YouTube, enjoy! :)

This is part of the song presented by our preschoolers on 10 May this year.
The item is presented in view of Mother's day.
Thank God for their sweet voices.

I will slowly up load more videos. So do visit us often.

Stuff to play, do and learn

Click to select any of these fun learning activities.

Learn the Ten Commandments easily with BrainFlips.
If you are only a beginner, go to the introduction mode. If you are quite good, go try the traditional mode. If you are an expert, test yourself under the respone mode (Fill- in-the blank)

Do you know your Lord's Prayer? Take a cloze passage quiz.

Have you learnt the first 14 OT books by heart in order?
Match the two columns to arrange them in order.

Do you enjoy art and craft?
Make and print your own bookmark just like this one.

Enjoy colouring? Kids4truth website has many colouring pages which you can print and colour.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monthly Recommended Sermon (Sept 2009)

Text: Ps 127 (16kbps, 54 min)
This sermon contains many very thought provoking questions. What is our goal in bring up our children? Is it our aim to bring them up to be Godly Christians? Are we teaching them according to biblical principles? Are we training them to face many great spiritual battles to come? This sermon is not only for parents but it is also for everyone in the church as the church is a big family. Singles too has a part to play to minister to the children.

Pls leave a comment if you have been blessed by this sermon.

Monday, September 7, 2009

TCF Video Show: Stephen’s Test of Faith

We watched "Stephen's test of faith" last Sat at TCF.
It was a very meaningful video. Although at times, it can be confusing as the story zooms into different time and place quite suddenly but generally with some explanation, the children was able to follow. The older children had a short discussion session after the video. You can download our discussion questions for your own use.

Here is my summary of the 22 mins show.

Ridicule at school
Stephen brought his grandfather’s bible to school.
He presented the story of his grandfather’s faith during a ‘show and tell’ session. That Bible helped him (Stephen’s grandfather) to go through a very difficult battle during World War II. As he thought he was going to die, he wrote a note to his son (Stephen’s father). “ . . . I want you to know I have fought the good fight, and although the enemy surrounds me, I am not afraid, for the Lord is with me. I have come to believe that anything worth living for really is worth dying for.”

His teacher liked his presentation, but some of his classmates did not. They ridiculed Stephen’s bible and bullied him. Instead of defending his faith, Stephen appeased the bullies by saying he doesn’t care about the bible.

Stephen was so upset that he did not care that the bible was left lying on the school field. During dinner time, He shared with his family that he regretted bringing grandfather's bible to school.

A father’s talk
Stephen’s father had a good talk with Stephen. He told him about the Bible character Stephen whom he was named after. Stephen was the first Christian Martyr. A martyr is “someone who is persecuted for their faith and dies.” Stephen’s father continued to tell him about other martyrs He talked about William Tyndale and also a Christian village in Pakistan called Shanti Nagar.* (For more info, do a google search.)

First martyr
Stephen dreamt a dream. He dreamt that he was there at the stoning of Stephen in 37 A.D. His classmates were there in the dream too. Just as the people stoned Stephen the Martyr, they started stoning him too. Stephen (boy) did not understand why he was stoned just because he was a follower of Christ. He did not understand what is meant to be a follower of Christ, thus Stephen (martyr) brought Stephen (boy) on ‘a journey’ to show him why Christians are persecuted.

Last Supper
His first stop was room in 33 A.D. Jesus was there with His disciples having the Passover before His crucifixion. Jesus made it plain that He will be persecuted and so will all who follow him. Not all will remain faithful as some will deny Him. Stephen (boy) was shocked when He was asked by Jesus if he would deny Him?

Fed to the lions
Stephen (boy) was next transported to a prison under the coliseum in Rome. The Roman government was heavily persecuting Christians then. There in the prison were many Christians who refused to deny Christ. Thus they were fed to the lions. They were willing to die for their faith. Stephen (boy) thought that he too would be fed to the lions but the next thing he was transported to . . .

Betrayed by a friend
1535. Stephen (boy) met William Tynadale. He saw him being arrested after his friend, Henry Philips betrayed him. William Tynadale’s crime was the translation of the Bible into English which was forbidden by the church leaders in those days. (note: there will be a video show on William Tynadale in Oct, so the focus need not be so much on him) In the end, Tynadale was burnt at the stake. But the prayer which he prayed before his death was answer after about a year. God opened the eyes of the King of England and he ordered the printing and distribution of the entire Bible in English.

Stephen learnt that many people suffered greatly even for own a Bible. He was next transported to Soviet Union (Russia) in 1970. He joined a group of people who was running away from the KGB. The secret police or KGB, as they are commonly known, was going around confiscating Bible and arresting Christians especially those who own Bibles. Being a communist country, Christians were persecuted because communism does not believe that there is a god.

Religious Riots
Stephen (boy)’s last stop was a village called Shanti Nagar in Pakistan in 1997. This village was made up of Muslims and Christians. The Muslims believed some rumors that some Christians tore the Koran and threw it into the mosque. On the day after the alleged incident happened, Muslims took revenge on the Christians. Thus Stephen had to join a boy in hiding from the attacks.

This journey led Stephen (boy) to understand “that Christian down throughout history and even today, often have to choose to stand up for Jesus or deny him.

Stephen’s prayer for forgiveness
Stephen woke up from the dream and went straight to look for his grandfather’s bible. But he only found one page of the Bible and he read from Heb 13:5-6: “for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. . . . The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” There and then he was convicted of his sin of denying the Lord and he prayed a prayer of repentance.

Then the story went back to Stephen’s classroom. His teacher found a Bible and was asking his class if they know whose it is. Without any hesitation, Stephen went forward to reclaim the bible.

If you are interested,this video is available in Calvary Padan's AV Library. Or you can watch the trailer online.