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Monday, August 31, 2009

TCF Quiz For Term 3 2009

[Note: Sorry for the lapse in updating our blog recently. Pl pray for this ministry. We'll continue to perservere on by God's grace & strength. Thks]

Thank God for an exciting time of quiz for our TCF children last Saturday. That marked the close of the series of messages - "People who followed Jesus". The quiz was a good test of how much they remember and learnt from over these past two months.

All in all, we had 6 lessons* namely "An Army Officer", "A House Keeper", "A Wealthy Taxman", " A Street Woman", "Children" and "A Dying Thief".

You're welcome to download the quiz (PowerPoint show, 454 KB).
There are questions for everyone- preschool (ages 4-6) Primaries (ages 7 to 9) and Juniors (ages 10 to 12). Have a go to test your knowledge of these familiar bible characters. Enjoy!

*Taken from "Lesson for Life 2" by Jill Master.